First, a temporary support structure appeared. Then, a couple of walls were taken down. Finally, a permanent steel structure started to take shape. A giant leap in the downstairs metamorphosis.
Temporary and permanent structures #1 |
Temporary and permanent structures #2 |
At this point, everything still looks pretty rough, but we are quite pleased with the progress so far. It is also quite comforting to know that now the supported ceiling is not going to give away unexpectedly, under the weight of the terrace platform. In addition, it is so uplifting to see something being built instead of just destroyed.
Bolted to the wall |
Filled with cement |
Urho tends to use every opportunity to visit downstairs and check out his stash in the underground space remains untouched. You never know who might share his interest in rotting bones. Those are, after all, the most precious delicacy he knows (besides DentaStix, of course).
Under careful supervision |
Mäykyt ja niiden aarteet! Isoäitini kahdelle karkeakarvaiselle maastonakille tuli kauhea riita, kun mökille saavuttaessa toinen ehti toisen hyvin marinoituneelle siankorvakätkölle. Muuten sopuisa seniori rökitti nuorempansa oikein tosissaan ja vihaa pidettiin vielä pitkään sen jälkeenkin. Kaiken varalta pidä Urho varkaita silmällä.