May 27, 2014

Painting lesson

We are making progress with the paintwork in the bunker. Today we also realised that for the first time the area is finally dust and tool free enough to allow Sofi to move around a bit more freely than before.

And what does she do when let loose? Of course, following Pekka's footsteps she wanted to paint.

Painter and his assistant

The little painter surprised us by really focusing on the task at hand. Usually, her attention span tends to be on the shorter end of a spectrum, but this novelty engaged her for quite a long while.

Learning all parts of the process

Afterwards, the discoveries continued. The joy of realising the possibilities provided by the large rock formation is a pretty good predictor for the attractiveness of the bunker during the years to come.

Checking out the tools

A few more nights, and the whole bunker will be painted. The white paint seems to be working wonders in many ways. The space does not only light up, but the fresh layer also makes the air feel fresher.

Nearly finished

And what's next? This coming Friday our trusted electrician Kaitsu will start working on the electrical cables, switches, plugs and lighting. After being "wired", there are still several steps before the bunker will be finished, for example a tiny detail such as the steel reinforced concrete floor. Anyway, the light in the end of the tunnel has started to take shape. We are so excited - when ready, the bunker will simply rock.


  1. She just loves painting!! :D

  2. Oi ihana pikku maalari! Sotkiko paljon? Meillä on kesämökillä hirmuisesti maalattavaa, ja mietin, millä keinoin saan puolitoistavuotiaan pidettyä asiasta x kiinnostuneena sillä aikaa kun heilun pensselin kanssa.

    Niin ja tuo bunkkerikin näyttää huikeelta, olispa mullakin :)


    1. Moikka Ninni! Sotkihan se jonkin verran, mutta ei haitannut kun oltiin suojattu paikat muovilla;) Tuon ikäisillä tuppaa tuota keskittymiskykyä olemaan aika rajallisesti käytössä, mutta ainakin Sofilla tuntui kiinnostusta riittävän yllättävänkin pitkään.

      Bunkkerissa on vielä iso työ tehtävänä ennen kuin sen saa käyttöön, mutta siitä tulee superhieno ja hyödyllinen kun se jossain vaiheessa (toivottavasti vielä tänä kesänä) valmistuu:)
