May 25, 2014

Fast forward

Again, another crazy week is ending.

Physically drained but mentally excited we finally had to admit it: the nesting instinct seems to lie exceptionally strong in us. Despite of the occasional fleeting moments of despair we'd choose to do all of it again in a minute. Crazy.

Lots of work has been done. Small steps, bigger steps. Perhaps not overly exciting steps, but steps forward nevertheless. The checklist from Friday night is as follow:

First, the downstairs walls have been painted with a base coat.

After base coat

Second, the floor heating cable has been covered and the tubes for sensors have been fitted in place.

Sensor tubing waiting to be covered

Third, 10 tons of gravel has arrived. And thanks, once again, to the invaluable help of Juha, Janne, Jouni and Matti, it has miraculously moved to the bunker. You guys rock!!

Pile of gravel

300 mm layer of gravel

Evened out

Last, the painting of the bunker walls and ceiling has been initiated.

The first corner

Fortunately, one of us had time to enjoy the sun outside, as it has been beautifully warm now in Finland. At the age of two, watering the herbs is quite exciting.

Little gardener


  1. Hui mikä projekti! Mun piti kelata monta postia taaksepäin, että selvisi mitä ihmettä te oikein puuhaatte :) On jäänyt monta tekstiä lukematta tässä hässäkässä!

    1. Moi Johanna! No joo, kyllähän tossa tekemistä riittää:)

  2. Tämä on yksi inspiroivimmista remontti/sisustus/vintage -aiheisista blogeista mitä tiedän! Suomen mittakaavassa ainutlaatuinen. Vielä kun kirsikkana kakun päällä on Urho, ei voi muuta kuin olla iloinen että saan lukea seikkailuistanne. Kiitos ja onnea alakerran loppurutistukseen :)

    1. Hei Saara,

      Kiitos mukavasta palautteesta! On kiva kuulla, että blogimme antaa sinulle inspiraatiota omiin projekteihisi. Toivottavasti jatkat blogimme lukemista, sillä tässä tarinassa on vielä paljon kerrottavaa:)


      ps.Urholta terkkuja!
