Aug 23, 2015

Slate Terrace, Part 1

For about two years a pile of slates on the back of our backyard has been patiently waiting for this weekend. For a bit more than two years, we have been dreaming of a slate terrace. The time has finally come to turn a dream into reality, a random moss-collecting slate pile into a beautiful terrace.

Grey river rock from Argentina

Well, not so fast. Remember our past challenges with the terrace project? Continuing on the same note, a couple of days ago we learned how a "small" error in volume estimate can turn into several hours of extra work. The delivery of stone dust (the final layer under the slate) went fantastically - excluding one small detail. There was way too much of it. Nearly twice the amount needed. Great.

The deliver of stone dust

However, such happens. And then you just deal with it and accept the delay. Quite soon neighbours and friends have came up some projects where stone dust would be needed. 

Too much of a good thing

The point of reference for the correct level was is by a concrete step by the back door.

Point of reference

A friend gave us an invaluable guidance on how to achieve a correct level and inclination across the terrace area. The trick is to set several references across the entire area, and mark them with wooden blocks. Such a simple, but a perfect method. Thank you Stenkka!

Reference blocks in position

Miraculously, next morning it was done. Or to be precise, half of it. But at this point, Pekka couldn't resist the temptation to start laying the first slates. Besides, variety is the spice of life (and terrace work).

Waiting for the first slate

Two years is plenty of time to forget how much heavier the thicker and often times bigger slates are vs. the ones used inside the apartment. No need (or time) for gym during this project. The first slates are now laid, and once again, we are convinced that good things are worth the wait. It is going to look quite fantastic when finished!

Pekka's puzzle

And guess who is enjoying the stone dust? Yes, it is great to dig holes when His Sausageness wants to find a hiding place for a bone. Or it serves pretty well as a very large "Dachsroom" when the nature calls. Or, it presents a fantastic opportunity to refine the skill of being able to position oneself dangerously. Whatever it is, you can always count on Urho.

"Certainly it is going to be electrically heated, isn't it?"


  1. Hyvältä näyttää! Pihastakin tulee varmasti komea ja ajan tyyliin sopiva. Samalla kun olette pihalla kaivaneet ja sisällä purkaneet pesu- ja muiita tiloja, jotka ovat maata vasten, oletteko tutkineet rakenteita ja vedenohjausta miten se on toiminut? Onko seinien ulko- tai sisäpinnalla käytetty pikeä eristeenä vai onko käytössä ollut joku muu sen aikainen menetelmä? Oletteko miettineet vielä sopivia pihavalaisimia?

    1. Moikka ja heti kärkeen iso kiitos kehuista!

      Juuri itseasiassa juteltiin Minnan kanssa ton terassin hitaasta, mutta varmasta etenemisestä. Siinä on jälleen kerran ollut aivan valtava duuni. 20t lähti maata pois ja n. 40t on tullut tilalle. Sitä vaan kovasti toivoo, että lopputulema on vaivansa väärti, sillä tossa on aivan posketon homma. Toiset tekee terassinsa puusta, toiset kivestä...

      Eristeitä on löytynyt sekä tiilten välistä, että alaslaskettujen kattojen päältä. Ulkoseinistä ei ole löytynyt pikeä ja osittain yläpihan vedet ovat joiltain kohdin ohjautuneet kivijalan ja kallion välistä nätisti suoraan talon alle, eli meidän bunkkeriin.. Eli ei ihan hirmu hyvä. Satunnaista veden tuloa varten jätimme paikoin bunkkerin lattian ja kallion väliin "sora poukaman", josta vesi ohjautuu suoraan kapilaarikerrokseen. Määrät ovat tosi pieniä. Ehkä litra pari vuodessa.

      Valaisimista sen verran, että sekä atriumterassille, että takapihalle lipan alle tulee kumpaankin näillä näkymin Henningsenin PH 4,5/3. Sitten pihalle, puskien väliin, sinne tänne tullee muitakin valaisimia, mutta tyyppiä ei ole vielä päätetty. Varmasti kuitenkin jotain aikakauteen sopivaa:)

  2. Can't wait to see the final product! Y'all do such beautiful work & I have loved watching your home & family grow & evolve!

  3. Really a great job done by you.Your work is really very appreciative.Such a nice blogging you have done with beautiful pictures.Fantastic renovations. Nice and keep posting more innovative work like this.
