Last year when we
kicked off the terrace project in July, Sofi announced that next summer, she would like to host her fourth birthday party out on the backyard terrace. Foolishly, we promised: "Oh yes, darling, what a great idea - we can definitely do that!" So when winter yielded Pekka kicked off the final stages of the terrace project - seaming, sanding and protecting. And finalising the stairs. What better activity to take on when you have all that free time while on parental leave. Yeah, right.
Cleaning the in between spaces for concrete |
But there are the moments when the baby is sleeping. And then there are late nights. And weekends. So one stone after another, Pekka has been working around the slates. Just like for the
slate floor downstairs, he used similarly
stained concrete to seam the slates outside (1.6% titanium oxide). The more area gets covered, the better it looks.
The first corner - checked. |
So after a long and silent winter, be prepared to terrace posts (and others) to come! We are back on track, and if not ready for the celebration in early June, August is quite realistic. Perhaps this summer, we can finally start enjoying our lovely little yard...
One lazy dachshund - checked. |