
Sep 18, 2016

Sofi's wall of fruit

This time, our silence in the blog is not because we have nothing to share. No, it is the other extreme. During the past months, we have made huge progress. But it came with a price. First, through the entire summer we slaved and rushed to meet the August dead line and had no time to write. Afterwards, we simply needed a couple of weeks to recover. So, there are quite a few posts to be published before Christmas!

Did I say they were mad?

A brief one to start with is Sofi's room, which has been neglected for way too long (and same goes to Eino's, a topic which we return to later).

The challenge with kids' rooms is of course obvious: how do you make them look fresh and fun with a relatively small investment (as the level of wear and tear in children's rooms is usually exponential compared to anything else, and as in the end, you can't expect anything to leave the room in decent condition).

Answer: wall paper.

We are not really wall paper people. But the more we thought of it the better the idea seemed. Fast, easy, inexpensive, fun. Easy to get rid of and change when the time comes. And after a brief search we came across Photowall. Two minutes after Sofi's approval the order was placed, and a few days later we were ready to go.


Pekka's father, who is well-known about his attention-to-detail attitude, kindly joined Minna for the project. He prepared the wall and had earlier experience on wall papering, which was extremely helpful (considering Minna had none). One day later, the wall was ready.

A simple change, that really made a difference. Sofi was so happy that she made a promise to keep her room always clean (not surprisingly, breaking it a couple of days later).

There will be more. Soon.


  1. This is beyond adorable! Your home is amazing... every room... every detail.

  2. Hei, Hieno seinä! Mikä mahtaa olla tuo tyylikäs lipasto Sofin huoneessa?

    1. Kiitos kiitos! Ollaan itsekin tosi tyytyväisiä lopputulokseen, piristi huonetta kummasti. Ja tuo lipasto on aika pitkä ja mutkikas tarina... :-)
