
Sep 3, 2013

So it begins

We have not hurried forward with the Project Downstairs, for several reasons. However, it is quite exciting now when it is finally moving forward again. You might remember a small hole at the back wall leading to an underground space, filled with construction waste. Well, we had great plans for this little entrance.

A small hole in a wall

To assist in execution, we called in a professional. It took him only two hours to expand the entrance  by cutting through the concrete wall with a diamond bladed circular saw. Suddenly there was a full-size entrance leading to our storage space to be.

A bigger hole in a wall

There is just a little hurdle along the way before we can start constructing a temporary floor and some shelves. Can you guess what we (and some of our lovely friends) are going to be doing this coming weekend?

Finally, just a little reminder - remember to participate in the Anniversary Competition by leaving a comment after "Happy Anniversary, Olive Green Window"!


  1. Melkoinen urakka miehillä! Tiedätkö miksi tuo on täytetty alunperin?

    1. Moikka,

      Rivitalomme on rinnetontilla ja sen perustukset on valettu suoraan kalliolle. Alakerran rinteepuoleinen osio on vain osittain louhittu ja sitä ei ole alunperin 60-luvulla tarkoitettu asumiskäyttöön vaan jo rakennusvaiheessa perustuksien valamisen jälkeen tila on täytetty rakennus- ja louhintajätteellä. Osissa taloyhtiömme asunnoista tämä n. 60-70m2 tila on jo otettu hyötykäyttöön. Ajatuksemme on tehdä jossain vaiheessa jonkinlainen kellaritila, mutta ensin tila on tyhjennettävä.
