
Feb 19, 2016

Arena creamer and sugar bowl

Oops, she did it again.

Two years in a row Minna's cousin Anu has nailed it with our Christmas surprise. Our Arena tableware was complemented by a creamer and a sugar bowl, two beautiful essentials. Thank you Anu, you are so very thoughtful!

Arena reflections

Despite of the silence in the blog, we haven't thrown in the towel, quite the contrary. The darkness of the Finnish winter is just not a great time to take neat pictures. The guest room is 99% finished and received preliminary approvals. The test users have risen some minor missing points, such as a door, functional lighting and door handles in cupboards. But overall, the experiences have been positive. More about that soon.

Sofi's room has also been updated a bit. More wall art, say the least. We may just be raising a picasso.